Form5 is committed to cultivating a community of individuals with limb differences and empowering that community!
Do you have a limb difference or know someone who does? Are you located in Ohio or the Midwest region? The Nub Club is the very group Founder, Aaron Westbrook joined that inspired him to start what would eventually become Form5. Now, a program run by Form5, The Nub Club consists of over 80 individuals and their families in primarily Ohio.
Form5 is excited to offer more programming through The Nub Club in 2024. Form5’s Nub Committee consists of highly-regarded professionals from diverse backgrounds that work to equip those with limb differences with the confidence, recourses, and support to accomplish anything they can imagine. The Nub Club currently connects through a group on Facebook. However, Form5 manages a Newsletter that highlights events and other important updates that gets sent out to all registered members. Register below to become a member of Form5’s first Nub Club chapter:
Upcoming Events
Form5’s Fifth Anniversary Celebration & Fundraiser
Form5 will celebrate its Fifth anniversary as a non-profit organization on August 24th, 2022, from 6 – 8 pm at Wyandotte Winery. Form5 Prosthetics was founded in 2017 to innovate and provide, eco-friendly, 3D-printed medical devices for those with limb differences.